Centrul Național Sănătatea Animalelor, Plantelor Și Siguranța Alimentelor

8:00 - 17:00

Primire probe:

Luni: 8:30-15:00

Marti: 8:30-15:00

Mercuri: 8:30-15:00

Joi: 8:30-15:00

Vineri: 8:30-12:00

/+373 251/22-075, 94-881


Donduseni, Hajdeu st. 13

Contact Us

Stela Carpov
Stela Carpov
Manager laboratory

About laboratory

The Food testing laboratory, Dondușeni operates within the I.P. Republican Center for Veterinary Diagnosis and performs physico-chemical, microbiological and radiological laboratory tests on food of animal origin, in accordance with the requirements of ISO 17025 and legislative and normative acts of the Republic of Moldova.

Sections and services

Donduseni, Hajdeu st. 13

/+373 251/22-075, 94-881


8:00 - 17:00

Donduseni, Hajdeu st. 13